B.L. Golden has harbored the secret dream of writing fiction for longer than she cares to admit. Writing well and having the ability to transport readers into other worlds has always been a superpower that she admired—far beyond that of flight, invisibility, or laser vision. She's hoping that time, hard work, and a bit of magic will make that superpower her own one day.
a history

B.L. works by day as a CEO of a small company, which she founded 16 years ago with her daughter—by accident. She left the corporate world to try her hand at writing fiction fulltime. But, as fate would have it, within a few weeks of quitting her position as public relations director, her husband was suddenly out of work. So, there they were, the parents of four children, and neither gainfully employed.
Necessity, in this case paying the mortgage, being the mother of invention, motivated her to take up freelance writing for website developers. It wasn't writing fiction, but at least she was writing and that fed the creative need within. This soon led to starting her own website development company.
Now, as the thriving company grows, with her son and daughter assisting her at the helm, and 50+ amazing folks bringing their individual talents and creativity into play each day, B.L. began burning the midnight oil once again in pursuit of the magic that is storytelling.
She is still the mother of four, now the grandmother of 11, and lives in sunny Arizona. She was born in Kansas and raised in California and considers herself a country girl, in spite of living in the big city most days. Her dream escape is writing from a cabin in the White Mountains, which she does as often as her busy life allows. Her goal is to write the kind of fiction that causes time to suspend and other worlds and times to feel as real as her own—through the sheer magic of story.